We help you embody your highest expression for health.

Here we talk a lot about nourishing the body with real, wholesome foods, but feeling good isn’t only about what you eat. Feeling good includes all aspects of life. From everyday wellness to personal power, liberation, self-worth, and true wholeness, we help leaders embody their natural blueprint for health so they can give from the overflow and create the life they are made for. 

Vanessa Cassani | Life Coach

free guide!

The Intuitive Eating Meal Prep Guide

If you’re planning meals in a way that allows for flexibility, satisfaction, and gentle nutrition, then meal planning can be a powerful ally in your struggle to make peace with food. We created this guide to support your use of intuitive eating tools while meal-prepping to make your life simpler. 

About Vanessa | Health Coach | Live Simply Natural


i'm vanessa. Vegan chef turned food freedom + embodiment coach.

I haven’t always had a good relationship with food, my body, or myself. In fact, not long ago I found myself with everything I thought made up a happy life. However, internally I was lost, unfulfilled, and dying to live on my own terms.

I spent years looking for answers, following all the health + wellness gurus, and experimenting with different modalities and ways of healing.  Detours took me down wrong paths, but little by little I found a home within myself. Some might say mistakes were made, but really each step was crucial to me mastering what works for me.

free download!

The Whole Body Health Review

We live in a culture that create fear and guilt for our personal health choices. In this journal review you will explore the main pillars of your unique health blueprint. We’ll cover the foundation of each pillar of health and create action steps to guide and sustain you in your ever evolving health journey. Let this be a guide back to your highest expression. 

What people are saying


I was feeling creatively stuck, uninspired and severely burnt out. 

My coaching session with Vanessa was exactly what I needed. Her encouraging and supportive nature helped me to feel nourished and seen. She helped me to overcome deep layers of blocks and resistance which has felt truly miraculous. I’m so grateful for the experience. Vanessa helped me to uncover the direction my soul wanted to go. I’m leaving this experience feeling much more open to possibilities without expectations.

– PIA  

Pia | Testimonial

free download!

The Body + Soul Meditation

Health is holistic; it’s not just about what we eat, but how we experience ourselves and the world. This meditation was created to support you in deepening your embodiment practice thereby connecting to the divine gift that is your body. When you take time to fully land in your body and connect to its wisdom, you will begin to come back to your intuitive nature.

ready to get started?

What we do...

Here at Live Simply Natural, we know what it feels like to feel good in our bodies, but we also know that feeling good isn’t only about what we eat. Feeling good includes all aspects of life and it isn’t a “one size fits all” approach. Your needs around health and well-being are deeply personal to you. This doesn’t mean that you have to do it alone. We are here to support you.

The Courses

A space to explore your healing

For the intuitive eaters

Eat Well

Together we will transform your relationship with food, let go of dieting and weight cycling for good, and work to respect your whole body as the amazing gift that it is. We won’t just talk about “what” to eat but “why” we eat. Additionally, we will examine “how” you can better connect with yourself so you no longer disconnect through food. 

FOR THE self healers

Feel Whole

Collectively we will explore what holds you back from embodying your true nature.  You will reconnect with the wisdom of your own body while reclaiming your wholeness and power. Although it may feel like it, this isn’t about becoming a whole new woman, this is about returning to the safe place you once knew as a child. It’s a journey home to the place you have always belonged.

Vanessa Cassani | Coach

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Hey, there!

I'm so Glad You're here.

We invite you to stay a while! Receive 1-2 monthly emails from us where we share how to embody your authentic blueprint for health. Sign up and follow along if you’re feeling curious.

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