My First What I Eat In A Day Video!

My First What I Eat In A Day Video!

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I did it! I just published my first what I eat in a day video!!! I’ve seen so many of these and often wondered if my shooting and sharing one of these would be helpful to my audience. I decided that if I was going to do it I wanted it to be more focused on flexibility, not restriction. Thankfully after a few years into my intuitive eating journey, I feel ready to really start sharing this kind of content. Now while I do enjoy these kinds of videos I think there are a few things to keep in mind when creating and/or engaging in this kind of content which I share more about in this post.

My First What I Eat In A Day Video

Typically you can find me eating plant-based whole foods most of the time made at home but sometimes I skip meals because I am busy and stressed. I do like to go out to eat with my family, I eat something sweet pretty much every day. Even though I love eating huge salads, there are days when I eat almost no veggies at all.

The fact is, what I eat, doesn’t matter…

So I know you’re here to maybe get an idea of what eating looks like for me, maybe to help you get an idea of what eating can look like for you but the reality is that it doesn’t matter what I eat.

You are a unique person, your nutrition goals are different, and your support system, your stress levels, your exercise, your mental health, your emotional body, and your spirituality are all different. So to take what someone else is eating (who is different than you), and apply that directly to your lifestyle does a disservice to your health.

Why I LOVE What I Eat In A Day Videos

Being in the food space and working with people to better nourish themselves I’ve seen how documenting your food whether that’s in pictures to show the internet or in a journal can be a great tool to maintain body awareness and keep you accountable whenever you’re making changes to your eating habits.

It can provide curiosity, excitement, motivation, inspiration, and most importantly a deeper connection to what feels good in your body. If you’re looking to share your own journey, it could be a way for you to practice healthy cooking and to create a connection and community with others like-minded like you.

This is actually how I got started!

Why I Don’t Like What I Eat In A Day Videos

While I think these videos can be helpful I’ve also seen firsthand how it creates idealistic eating habits both in the person creating the content and consuming the content.

It becomes something beyond just trying to maintain good eating habits and can actually cause stressful actions and compulsions, that could potentially impact your mental well-being in a negative way. It did for me.

Being someone who both creates and consumes this kind of content you really have to be protective of who and what you consume in the world of social media. If this is something you struggle with check out my post on What I learned from a 30-Day social media detox!

A lot of what I’ve noticed since social media has taken the health and wellness community by storm in the past 5 years, is that it can add fuel to an already burning fire for some people.

Believe me, it can get tricky when everything you eat and drink is then put on social media for a rating. “Am I eating “healthy” enough, are they liking my post because I’m doing a good job?” This was me at the beginning of my journey and it took some time for me to navigate through all that. I still do share food on my social accounts but I always ask myself these 3 questions…

  1. Why am I sharing this photo?
  2. Is this helpful or harmful?
  3. Am I looking for outside validation?

Thankfully there are equally as many people sharing more on intuitive eating and how to cultivate a healthy relationship with food. Make sure to seek out more of that content. It’s so helpful.

What I Eat In A Day As An Intuitive Eater + Vegan

And by popular demand, which means one person casually asked me, lol. Here is my video + what I ate intuitively and vegan!


Sweet & Spicy Avocado Toast. I tried something similar to this recipe at a local coffee shop here in Houston. It was so so good and is my go-to avocado toast.


This Banana Bread with almond butter is life. I ate the whole 2 slices in one sitting.

xWhat I Eat In A Day Video!


A smoothie, which it’s very similar to my Green Smoothie Energy Blast but with a few modifications. So yum!


I had originally planned to eat my  Taco Salad In A Jar, which I use when I’m on the go. This particular day I had a meeting planned and was surprised with dinner and I couldn’t resist. My friend who was hosting made mixed veggies, couscous with cucumber and tomato, roasted potatoes, hummus, and pita chips. It was so good I got second :)

And that’s it!

Now, it’s your turn, what are you guys eating? None of this fancy Pinterest recipe business. I want the real thing! Give it to me straight.

Let’s Talk!

If you ever need any help or support with establishing a healthy relationship with food or just looking for ways to eat healthier to improve your health, then I’m an email away! Now it’s your turn — what do you eat in a day? Answer me in the comments below, if you’re into this conversation as much as I am :)





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hey, there!

I’m Vanessa

vegan Chef, Coach, Mama of two

A believer that the body is not an ornament but a vessel for our deepest healing. When we learn to listen we create more opportunities for our own wisdom to resurface and be heard. Here we strive to create resources to support this way simple way of living.


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